Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Check it out!

We have finished the rough re-do of our Yarn Stash page on the website and you should check it out!
Some of the new features for easier browsing include the alphabetizing of yarn by manufacturer, and eventually you will be able to click on a link to the books for that particular manufacturer too (you can on the Adrienne Vittadini ones, I've gotten as far as "A", it's a slow process!), and there is a siderail (that looks kinda wonky if you are in firefox, I'm trying to figure out why), and you can see (almost!) all of our yarn on the yarnstash page, not just stuff we have online. That way you can see if we carry something and can always call to order it if we haven't put it up yet. And there are some things, like Koigu, that we'll never sell online but we want you to know we have it.
I'm am so stinkin' proud of my mad web skills, considering that a couple years ago I didnt know what a blog was.
Yay me!


Carol said...

A massive job, well done.
Mad props to your awe-inspiring web skills.

AND this whole time, you've been gestating a baby...

the mind boggles.

Lauren said...

Yay you for blogging is right! Thank you for helping me pick Koigu colors at Rosie's today. I am so happy with my purchase because I needed more yarn!