Friday, March 05, 2010

Little box, big plans

Something big is happening at Rosie's, something we've been excitedly preparing for over the last couple of months. Yesterday everything started coming together, and it all began with the delivery of one, innocuous box from our trusty UPS man.

What's in the box? Two Cricket Looms, several Hi-Lo spindles, and two sets of hand carders. And more, much more, is on its way, most notably, spinning wheels and fiber. If you've ever thought of expanding your fiber arts repertoire, Rosie's is here to help!

Check back soon to see what's come in, and if you're in the shop, take a look at our newly carved out niche for weaving and spinning. It's right next to the laceweight... you know, just to keep you inspired.

1 comment:

Sherry W said...

I fell down and bought a Cricket.