Saturday, July 30, 2005


Yes, it's that time of year again: new yarn is coming in, there's no room, we're all realizing how cluttered the place has gotten over the summer, it's the end of the season and we have lots of odds and ends lying about--plus, there's stuff here that I'm just plain tired of looking at. So . . .

Would you all please come and get some of this yarn out of here?

We'll meet you halfway: lots of yarns on sale for 25%, 30%, 35% off; some even more. Not all of them summer yarns, either; there's wool that's discontinued, or we're overstocked, or we're getting new dye lots in soon anyhow.

And bags: All Elizabeth Austen bags and cases are on sale.

As for you not-so-local types: it'll take us a few days to get the online yarns marked down, but we're working on it. If you've got your eye on something specific and can't stand the suspense, e-mail me ( and ask.

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